This is the seventh and final volume in our series of conference proceedings. Volume 7 served as the proceedings for the poster session of the 18th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL18). WCCFL18 was held April 9-11, 1999 at the University of Arizona. Proceedings for the talk sessions for WCCFL18 were published by Cascadilla Press.
Norquest, Peter, Jason D. Haugen, and Sonya Bird. Introduction. [download full volume]
Bird, Sonya. Diminuitive bare-consonant reduplication in Stl'atl'imcets. [download]
Castillo, Juan Carlos. Towards a universal account of possessor raising. [download]
Chung, Chin Wan and Byung-jin Lim. The behavior of velar nasal and syllabification in Korean. [download]
Curtin, Suzanne. Size restrictors and prosodic structure in the acquisition of stress. [download]
de Lacy, Paul. A correspondence theory of morpheme order. [download]
Goh, Gwang-Yoon. What does diachrony say about English tough-constructions? [download]
Hendricks, Sean. Bare-consonant reduplication in Yokuts: Minimal reduplication by compression. [download]
Hosoi, Hironobu. A dual function of tokoro in the CENP construction. [download]
Kim, Jeong-Seok. Locative inversion and optional features. [download]
Noh, Bokyung. The effect of focus on argument structure: Depictives vs relatives. [download]
Rudnitskaya, E. Yes-no li questions in Russian: Interaction of syntax and phonology? [download]
Tanaka, Hidekazu and Mika Kizu. Reconstruction and linearity in long-distance cleft constructions. [download]
Conference Summary:
Norquest, Peter, Jason D. Haugen, and Sonya Bird (eds.), Volume 7: Proceedings of the Poster Session of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 18 (WCCFL18). April 9-11, 1999.