Author Instructions

Coyote Papers uses the LSA unified style as its basis. Submissions should follow the LSA unified style, especially in regards to bibliography management, however, when our instructions conflict with the LSA unified style, our instructions should take precedence. Please see the example bibliography in the style sheet. Inline citations should follow the (Author Year: Page) format.


Authors are encouraged to use the templates for Microsoft Word and LaTeX which are provided to authors by email, or can be downloaded at the bottom of the page. All linguistic glossing should follow the Leipzig Glossing Rules.


Please contact with any questions.

Submit your manuscript to by November 27th, 2023.


Submissions to Coyote Papers should be formatted as follows: 

Formatting Requirements: 

Paper size: US letter, 8 ½ x 11 

Font: Times New Roman 

Font size: 11 point 

Line spacing: 1.5 

Margins: 1.5in on the sides, 1in on top & bottom 

Reference list style: LSA unified style, with inline citations (Author Year:Page) 

Page Limit: 8 pages (references excluded -> references may occupy additional pages)

Glosses: Follow the Leipzig Glossing Rules 

Title block: See example files. 


Examples should be numbered throughout the document. If multiple examples occur in the same environment they should be listed as follows: 

(1)  a. First example 

b. Second example 

c. Third examples 

Figures are to be numbered as examples. All figures and examples are to be part of the body of the  text. 


Sections are to be numbered, starting from 1, with the exception of the introduction and the  discussion. Section headings should be flushed left, boldface and 14.5pt. 

The list of references is to be labelled “References” and will not count toward the page limit of 8  pages. 


If you use IPA characters, please stick to Unicode or non-proprietary fonts. 

Use footnotes, not endnotes. 

For acknowledgments, have an asterisk * footnote after the author on the title block. 

For all other stylistic questions see the unified LSA style or write to  



For an example of how this should look, use the “coyote example file.pdf” file. Most of this work will  be done by our templates. See our “Instructions for Word users”, or our “Instructions for LaTeX  users” 

If you use a different editor that we do not have a template for, please try and follow the  requirements above as much as possible and orient yourself by using our example file.


Instructions for Word users:


Download “Coyote Word Template.dotx”. Write your submission in this file. It will automatically have the correct formatting for the LSA unified style. (Note: If you create new sections, be sure to use the “Heading 1” environment.)


This file will not manage your bibliography, so please ensure your references follow LSA unified style and in-text citations follow the (Author Year: Page) format.


Instructions for LaTeX users:


Download “coyote.tex” and place it in the same folder as the file you are working on. In your preamble, specify the following:




This will import the contents of the file into your preamble, setting the correct formatting for your document. It also imports the setspace, mathptmx, fancyhdr, and fontenc packages. Including “coyote” in the preamble allows the program to run when we edit it later.

If you are using natbib, please include the following command at the end of your preamble:




This will give you the correct inline citation style of (Author Year: Page).


To compile your titlepage correctly, we recommend using \thispagestyle{empty} under your \maketitle command.


Note that this template will not work for LaTeX 2.09.

Coyote Example File

Coyote Word Template

Coyote LaTeX Template